Strategic Partnerships for higher education, VET and youth

Strategic Partnerships for higher education, VET, schools, adult education and youth

Project activities should lead to the exchange of best practices (possibly to the development, development or testing of innovative practices), to recognition and validation of acquired knowledge, skills and competences. Strategic partnerships are avaible for all types of organizations active in education, training and youth, or other socio-economic sectors as ell as for organizations, which performing cross-cutting activities in different areas.

Topic of projects are not restricted in the field, no preferences are set.

Supported activities:

  • Combined mobility connecting short-term physical mobility (less than 2 months) with virtual mobility

  • Intensive study programs (from 5 days to 2 months)

  • Short-term join training for workers (from 5 days to 2 months)

  • Long-term worker mobility (from 2 to 12 months)

Strategic partnerships require at least 3 organizations from 3 different countries involved in the program. Organization type is not limited, it can be both a public and a private organization. For higher education institutions, the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is a condition of ownership.

The duration of the project is between 24 and 36 months. The duration is set by the applicant already at the time of submission of the grant application.

Eligiple participants and their number - students registered at university and enrolled for study during the project duration, professors, teachers, trainers and other pedagogical and administrative staff emloyed in one of the partner organizations.

Venue - in countries that join to the project.

Grant applications are submitted to the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS).

Financial support for grants - The maximum EU grant for a project is €150 000 per year (or €12 500 per month). The budget is determined on a basis of unit costs. The applicant will select the budget items according to the extent of his planned project activities.

The grant consists of the following budget lines:

  • Project management and organization - Contribution to the activities of the coordinating institution is €500/month and contribution to the activities of other partner organizations is €250/month.

  • International project meetings - travel and subsistence contribution (example: in case of participation in partner meetings - split into 2 categories: 100 - 1999 km = €575 participant/meeting; over 2000 km = €760 participant/meeting).

  • Wage costs for the organization's core outputs - wage costs for participants (lead, research, technical or administrative staff) which are involved in the creation of intellectual or material outputs of the project. See the Program Guide for more detailed calculation information.

  • Organization of dissemination events - contribution to the costs associated with the organization of seminars, conferences, workshops, etc., organized to share and disseminate the outputs of the project. Up to €30,000 per project (€100/200 on a internal/foreign event participant).

  • Exceptional costs of the organization - exceptional costs of the organization - Contribution to actual costs related to subcontracting or acquisition of goods and services. Up to 50,000 euro per project (financial participation is 25% of the real costs).

  • Costs of participants with specific organizational needs - additional costs covering 100% of the eligible costs of a participant with disabilities.

  • Costs of international educational activities

    • travel costs - split into 2 categories: 100 - 1999 km = €275/participant; over 2000 km = €360/participant.

    • subsistence costs - calculation is based on the Program Guide.

    • language training - only for activities lasting from 2 to 12 months (€150/per participant, which is requiring language preparation).

Co-financing is not mandatory (exception is the cost item Extra Costs - up to €50 000 per project, 25% co-financing is required).

For more information, please see the Program Guide.

Last change: October 27, 2017 15:01 
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