Help us select the topics and supervisors by February 28, 2025!
The offers will be promoted on Crowdhelix, Euraxess Jobs, and other channels. Don't miss the information session for supervisors and applicants on April 10, 2025. Learn more about MSCA PF here in the news.
5 February 2025Charles University has secured, as part of a consortium led by the Utrecht University, funding for an ambitious project called „Colonial Legacies of Universities: Materialities and New Collaborations“ (COLUMN). The first phase will be coordinated by Prof. Markéta Křížová from the Centre for Ibero-American Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
28 January 2025The annual ERC workshops organised by the Technology Centre Prague and the Expert Group for supporting ERC applicants will undergo several changes in 2025 - in the timing and the eligibility conditions.
Find out more about the changes in the news.
16 January 2025In total, 10 Consolidator grants will be coming to the Czech Republic, with 5 of these going to scientists from CU. This is a great result! All the new ERC grantees – whether from CU or the Czech Academy of Sciences and Masaryk University - deserve congratulations!
We invite you to the 14th edition of the prestigious summer school of LERU (The League of European Research Universities), which will take place from 22-27 June 2025 at the University of Copenhagen!
The theme of the summer school is "Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience". The event is open to PhD students.
2 December 2024On October 7, 2024, a celebratory meeting took place in the Music Room of the French Embassy in the Czech Republic to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the CEFRES Platform. The event also involved the signing of the Second Amendment to the CEFRES Platform Convention for 2024-2029.
8 October 2024EU - Webinar: IP in Biotechnology
11 February 2025
The protection of biotech inventions by appropriate Intellectual Property Rights is extremely important due to the close link between such innovations and the development of a product. Thus, “Patent Off” for instance has to be avoided.
The webinar will give an overview about Relevant IP rights, The context of IP in product development, Specifics of IP in biotech, Development of an IP portfolio, Management of an IP portfolio.
11 February 2025, 10.30 - 12.00
Register HERE