Jean Monnet

The Jean Monnet program is primarily aimed at supporting an excellent level of teaching and research in the field of European Union studies.

Jean Monnet supported activities aim at increasing teaching and research capacity on EU themes, improving or upgrading curricula (to attract excellent students). The objectives include strengthening cooperation with partners from other countries and supporting the professional development of young researchers and professors.

Main topics of the Jean Monnet program:

  • European Studies and Comparative Regional Studies

  • EU Communication and Information Studies

  • EU Economic Studies

  • EU Historical Studies

  • EU Studies of Intercultural Dialogue

  • EU Interdisciplinary Studies

  • EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies

  • EU Law Studies

  • EU Political and Administrative Studies

However, other thematic areas such as sociology, philosophy, religion, geography, literature studies, art, natural sciences, environmental studies, global studies and others may be associated with Jean Monnet. Comparative studies can be included only on condition that they deal with different world integration processes.

Types of activities

Jean Monnet Actions in the field of higher education

The event aims to promote teaching and research on European integration and foster policy debate and exchanges between academia and policymakers on the Union's political priorities for higher education institutions in Europe and beyond.

Jean Monnet Modules

= short-term education programs (courses) in EU studies

These may be general or introductory courses related to EU affairs, specialized lessons on EU development, or fully-recognized summer or intensive courses.

Duration: at least 40 teaching hours per academic year 

Duration of the project: up to 3 years 

Financial support: up to 30 000 EUR (75% of the total costs)

Jean Monnet Chairs

= longer-term teaching positions specialising in European Union studies for individual university professors

The Jean Monnet Chair supports younger generations of teachers and researchers dealing with EU themes. The aim of the course is to deepen knowledge in EU studies. Can conduct or track research on EU-related topics, provide advice and expert guidance to others. Only one professor holds the Jean Monnet Chair.

Duration: at least 90 teaching hours per academic year 

Duration of the project: up to 3 years

Financial support: up to 50 000 EUR (75% of the total costs)

Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence

= contact points that pool the knowledge of high-level experts in different fields of European studies and develop transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries.

The Centers of Excellence follow the Jean Monnet Departments - responsibility for the center must be assumed by the Jean Monnet Chair holder. It combines the expertise and competence of high-level experts and develops synergies between different disciplines and resources within European studies.

The Center of Excellence supports the organization and coordination of human and documentary resources, the management of research activities in areas relevant to specific EU themes, the development of content and tools on EU themes to update and complement existing courses and curricula, to enhance debate and exchange of experiences on the EU and systematic publicity results of research activities.

Duration of the project: up to 3 years

Financial support: up to 100 000 EUR (80% of the total costs)

Jean Monnet Policy debate

Jean Monnet Networks

= large thematic networks in Higher Education will have as primary objective to collect, share and discuss among the partners research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, etc.)

In this event, it is primarily about supporting the establishment and development of consortia of international participants (higher education institutions, centers of excellence, departments, teams, individual experts, etc.) in the field of the European Union studies.

The network: at least 5 institutions from 5 different countries

Duration of the project: up to 3 years

Financial support: up to 300 000 EUR (80% of the total costs)

Grant applications are submitted to the

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA).

Last change: March 1, 2024 19:20 
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