Partnership for Cooperation

Partnership cooperation focuses on the fight against doping at the basic level of sport, on preventing and combating hidden agreements on match results, on promoting prevention and on educational and innovative approaches to combating violence and the manifestations of racism and intolerance in sport.

Priority will be given to projects that focus on basic sport. These include, for example, the organization of conferences, seminars and meetings aimed at raising awareness of sport and physical activity values, deepening the science base of sport, developing monitoring, promoting ethical behavior among athletes.

The partnership must consist of at least 5 organizations from 5 different program countries.

The duration of the project can be 12, 18, 24, 30 or 36 months.

The financial support is €500 000 (covering 80% of the total cost).

The amount of the grant is determined on the basis of direct and indirect costs.

For detailed project budget information, as well as the for criteria, that are evaluated for the content of the project, see the Program Guide.

Grant applications are submitted to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA).

Last change: October 27, 2017 15:03 
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