• Aktuality


7. března 2018

PhD Academy 2018 - Transferable Skills

Evropské centrum chystá ve dnech 16.-19. dubna 2018 ve spolupráci s dalšími CELSA partnery PhD Academy zaměřenou na Transferable Skills.

Deadline pro přihlášky: 31.3.2018

Akce se bude konat v prostorách UK, v Karolinu a bude v angličtině:

  • The PhD Academy will allow participants to gain hands-on experience in developing interdisciplinary/intersectoral collaboration and in skills that are useful in their academic career and beyond.

  • Through this learning process, the students will acquire professional skills that can be used in a wide variety of situations, among which how to influence decision-making, communicate ideas, values and opinions more effectively. They will also get insight and appreciation of their own and other disciplines and become better professionals.

  • Level of students and suitable fields of study: PhD researchers from different disciplines are encouraged to apply; candidates should be in an advanced stage of the doctoral program and be highly motivated to work intensively on this project in an international and interdisciplinary team. Open to candidates from all the CELSA Member Institutions.

  • Applications: Applicants must submit a letter of motivation – which should include a brief description of the candidate’s PhD research project, a curriculum vitae and a photo. All should be sent to email eliska.chraskova@ruk.cuni.cz till the end of March.

  • Costs: There is no registration fee, students must book their own hotel and travel.

  • The final program - download here

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Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Praha 1, 116 36

Česká republika


Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

IČO: 00216208 

DIČ: CZ00216208

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