Nature ****************************************************************************************** * Nature and Biodiversity ****************************************************************************************** Nature will support projects for the protection of priority species and habitats on the NA network; bird areas and measures to support the European Union's biodiversity strategy by Projects types: • Demonstration • They put into practice, test, evaluate and disseminate actions, methodologies or appro new or unknown in a given context (e.g. geographic, ecological, socio-economic, etc.) • Pilot • They apply techniques or methods that have never been tested or applied. These techniq must offer potential environmental or climate benefits compared to the currently moder • Good practice The application for a project may be submitted by legal entities registered in the EU. The maximum amount of support is 60%. For priority species and habitats within the Natura to 75% (up to 2017, then 55% and 75%). The upper and lower limits are not set. More ambiti more than CZK 25-70 million have a greater chance of support. Applicants may apply for national support - up to 15% up to CZK 10 million and up to CZK 1 preparation of project proposals. Projects examples: In harmony with nature- Life + for Janowskie Forest – Poland [ URL "http://www.program-lif ochrana-raselinist-polsko/"] Preservation of species-rich Nardus grasslands in pSCI Beskydy – Czech Republic [ URL "htt"] Conservation of birds in the SPA Ostrovné lúky – Slovakia [ URL "http://www.program-life.c ochrana-biotopu-a-ptaku-slovensko/"]