EASI ****************************************************************************************** * EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation ****************************************************************************************** The Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme [ URL "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexU LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:347:0238:0252:EN:PDF"] is a financing instrument at EU level t level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social prote social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions. For the period 2021 – 2027 the EaSI programme will become a strand under the European Soci +) [ URL "https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=325&langId=en"] Structure and funding EaSI is managed directly by the European Commission. It brings together three EU programme separately between 2007 and 2013: PROGRESS, EURES and Progress Microfinance. As of January 2014, these programmes form the three axes of EaSI. They support: • The modernisation of employment and social policies with the PROGRESS axis (61% of the t • Job mobility with the EURES axis (18% of the total budget); • Access to micro-finance and social entrepreneurship with the Microfinance and Social Ent axis (21% of the total budget). The total budget for 2014-2020 is 919,469,000 EUR in 2013 prices. Objectives: • Strengthen ownership of EU objectives and coordination of action at EU and national leve of employment, social affairs and inclusion. • Support the development of adequate social protection systems and labour market policies • Modernise EU legislation and ensure its effective application. • Promote geographical mobility and boost employment opportunities by developing an open l • Increase the availability and accessibility of microfinance for vulnerable groups and mi and increase access to finance for social enterprises. In pursuing these objectives, EaSI will: • Pay particular attention to vulnerable groups, such as young people • Promote equality between women and men • Combat discriminations • Promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment • Guarantee adequate and decent social protection • Combat long-term unemployment • Fight against poverty and social exclusion The contact in the Czech Republic is Ing. Jitka Zukalová [ MAIL "jitka.zukalova(zavinac)mp Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs [ URL "http://www.mpsv.cz/en/"] .